HCP prerequisites ================= .. Warning:: Not having the proper permissions and/or the MQE API being disabled will always lead to *error 403* when running a query: .. image:: _static/HCP_status403.png :scale: 50% MQE API ------- HCP needs to have the metadata query API enabled to allow the tool to function. The minimal setting needed can be set using the *HCP System Console > Services > Search* panel: .. image:: _static/HCP_search.png :scale: 50% **Enable metadata query API** is the **only** setting required in **this** panel. System administrator -------------------- A system-level administrator **must** at least have the **Search** role to access the MQE API: .. image:: _static/HCP_mqeuser.png :scale: 50% Such an administrator is able to query Tenants that have granted system-level users to manage the tenant and search its namespaces in the respective *Tenant Console > Overview* panel: .. image:: _static/HCP_allowadmin.png :scale: 50% As a result of this, a full system-wide list of all operations can only be acquired if **all** Tenants have granted this privilege. Using an HCP FQDN starting with *"tenantname."* will query just that Tenant. In this case, the *data network* configured for the Tenant must be reachable by the tool, and its FQDN must be resolvable via DNS. Using an HCP FQDN starting with *"admin."* will query all Tenants that have granted the permission, even if the configured data network for some of the Tenants are not reachable by the tool. Tenant user ----------- A Tenant user **must** have at least the **Search** permission for the Namespace(s) he shall query: .. image:: _static/HCP_tenantuser.png :scale: 50% Of course, the tool must be able to reach the configured *data network* of the Tenant, and its FQDN must be resolvable via DNS. In addition to that, **Search** needs to be enabled for any Namespaces that shall be queried: .. image:: _static/HCP_Namespace_Search.png