Database Schema

The schema of the ops database table, containing the collected operation records, differs between verbose or non-verbose query mode.

In addition, the database schema is build dynamically from the metadata keys HCP returns; that said, there might be slight differences between HCP versions. As of now (April 2022), this has been just added keys. Nevertheless, if such a change happens during an HCP version upgrade, the database in use might not be usable with the newer version of HCP, and thus needs to be created from scratch (just delete the existing database and run a new query).

Here are samples of the ops tables schema:

Non-verbose mode

                  Column | example value
  changeTimeMilliseconds | 1648129832613.00
               operation | CREATED
                 urlName |
                 version | 105480309271425

Verbose mode

                  Column | example value
              accessTime | 1648129832
        accessTimeString | 2022-03-24T14:50:32+0100
                     acl | 0
  changeTimeMilliseconds | 1648129832613.00
        changeTimeString | 2022-03-24T14:50:32+0100
          customMetadata | 1
customMetadataAnnotation | .metapairs
                     dpl | 1
                     gid | 0
                    hash | SHA-256 78FC...<cut>...232F
              hashScheme | SHA-256
                    hold | 0
                  _index | 1
              ingestTime | 1648129832
        ingestTimeString | 2022-03-24T14:50:32+0100
               namespace | one.s3
              objectPath | /hallo.txt
               operation | CREATED
                   owner | USER,s3,s3
             permissions | 555
              replicated | 0
    replicationCollision | 0
               retention | 0
          retentionClass |
         retentionString | Deletion Allowed
                   shred | 0
                    size | 6
                    type | object
                     uid | 0
              updateTime | 1648129832
        updateTimeString | 2022-03-24T14:50:32+0100
                 urlName |
                utf8Name | hallo.txt
                 version | 105480309271425