HCP prerequisites


Not having the proper permissions and/or the MQE API being disabled will always lead to error 403 when running a query:



HCP needs to have the metadata query API enabled to allow the tool to function. The minimal setting needed can be set using the HCP System Console > Services > Search panel:


Enable metadata query API is the only setting required in this panel.

System administrator

A system-level administrator must at least have the Search role to access the MQE API:


Such an administrator is able to query Tenants that have granted system-level users to manage the tenant and search its namespaces in the respective Tenant Console > Overview panel:


As a result of this, a full system-wide list of all operations can only be acquired if all Tenants have granted this privilege.

Using an HCP FQDN starting with “tenantname.” will query just that Tenant. In this case, the data network configured for the Tenant must be reachable by the tool, and its FQDN must be resolvable via DNS.

Using an HCP FQDN starting with “admin.” will query all Tenants that have granted the permission, even if the configured data network for some of the Tenants are not reachable by the tool.

Tenant user

A Tenant user must have at least the Search permission for the Namespace(s) he shall query:


Of course, the tool must be able to reach the configured data network of the Tenant, and its FQDN must be resolvable via DNS.

In addition to that, Search needs to be enabled for any Namespaces that shall be queried:
